Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thank you, Thanksgiving! (And not just for the stuffing!)

       Hi all! It's been a week since the last time you heard from us, so I figured while Josh catches up on a bit of sleep, I'd check in. We just spent the week with the most amazing in-laws a girl could ask for, and had a Thanksgiving full of family, talking, and STOVE TOP STUFFING. I can't even. I could not have imagined, one year ago, that this is where I'd be, or that this is what I'd be doing, but here I am, and here it all is!
       Baby is moving more than ever-Josh and I spent a good amount of down time just watching my belly, and feeling her wiggling around, getting in some exercise and growth before she makes her appearance in about 3 weeks. I'm a few days late on this, but I thought that here might be as good a place as any to do my list of things I'm thankful for this year:

1) My new family. They are just mind-bogglingly wonderful people; endlessly generous, welcoming, and friendly, I could not have dreamed up a better group of Grandparents, Uncles and Aunt, for our little Blueberry.

2) Josh. I've said it many times to him, and I'll delve into a bit of mushiness for a moment if you'll forgive me, in order to say it again. He is the best man in the world, and I am so, so happy that he's going to be raising this little one with me.

3) My job. Without getting into specifics I'll just say that I learned so much, and feel so loved having done it for so many years, and I can leave (never forever, but never the same again) knowing that I did a good job and (hopefully) had a positive impact; I do know that it had an incredibly positive impact on me.

4) My baby, my baby, my baby. I've wanted to be a mother for about 14 years, and to be here, so close to meeting our child face-to-face, is even in this pregnancy's fattest and sickest moments, incredible.

5) Charlie. A little more than a year ago, he came into my life and made me a Mommy-he made me happy when I needed it, gave me someone to love and take care of, and is our furry little son, keeping our house lively and our scraps eaten. I can't wait to hug his little body and feed him scrambled eggs!

-There are so many things that I'm thankful for this year (our apartment, the people here in Albany who've helped us in so many ways, our health, and things I know I'll think of later), but I'll stop here, at least for now. It's been a roller coaster of emotions for me this week, and I can't wait to start getting ready to meet little Baby Miller-Hyman!

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